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Naysla Edwards

Vice President ICS Marketing, Australia and New Zealand

She is passionate about fostering innovation and building loyalty through customer

insights and data, developing strategic partnerships and continuously challenging the

status quo.

Naysla and her team have successfully created some of the most recognised and

memorable partnership events for American Express in Australia. These include

American Express principal partnership of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras

and Sydney WorldPride, American Express delicious. Month Out, Amex Music

Backers, American Express Vogue Fashion Night In/Out, American Express Open Air

Cinemas and the American Express Airport and Entertainment Lounges to name a


Naysla is a passionate advocate of Diversity and Inclusion, she is the Co-Executive

sponsor of Amex’s Women Interest Network, leads all efforts towards elevating

marketing practices to remove stereotypes and showcase a realistic Australia and is

an active member of the Mental Health and Pride networks.

Naysla sits in the board of Redfern Legal Centre which is a valued Amex community

partner, where she shares her expertise to support Redfern Legal centre’s vision to

enhance access to justice and uphold human rights through the provision of holistic

and accessible legal support to disadvantaged communities.

Naysla was born in Colombia but has lived across the world; her family takes top

priority and Naysla ensures she has time to be with her husband Jon and her young

daughter Isabella.

Naysla Edwards
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